(M)ein agiler Blog

In regelmäßigen Abständen teile ich hier Erfahrungen und Gedanken, um zum Nachdenken und zum Austausch anzuregen, positve Veränderungen anzuschieben und die Welt damit ein Stück weit LEBENsWERTer zu machen.

"Die Größe eines Menschen liegt nicht in seinem Reichtum, sondern in seinem Anstand und seiner Fähigkeit, andere positiv zu beeinflussen."  Bob Marley

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“Consent, Consens(us) or Nonsense”

A small difference in the approach, one giant leap in the practice.

I recently learned more about Sociocracy and the very interesting method of decision taking processes in circle structured collective groups. One of the basic principle there is CONSENT. Yes, Consent not Consensus, which is similar, especially when we are referring to ‘Systemic Consensing’. Nevertheless there is a small but important difference.

Why Systemic Coaching in Professional Sports is essential (Taking up the cudgels for... )

Controversial Feedback on the letter of Olympian Courtney Thompson: "8 Reasons no one cares you’re tired"

"Note to Coaches: As you've probably noticed already, sometimes your athletes need to hear a different voice than yours; and who better than an Olympian? We asked Olympic Silver Medalist, Courtney Thompson, to share her perspective on fighting fatigue in athletic performance. Share her message with your team, and read all the way to the end of the blog for another actionable tool to drive these principles home." - Positive Performance

"No More Blame Game"

about responsibility and what it really means

When we talk about agile transformations in a company or an organization, we tend to see the “New Way of Working” (which is actually not that new, so it’s incredible that “The Agile Way” is still not widely established), as providing more freedom to solve problems, get to agreed understandings and decisions, and to deliver user needs. We tend to think of the rights we recover as knowledge workers and innovative human beings. But what we forget is that all of these rights and freedoms come with more responsibilities.